пятница, 3 июня 2011 г.

cool hairstyles for medium length hair

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  • Perrumpo
    Dec 29, 10:43 AM
    Sock Monkey

    Tickets for a tour of Dogfish Head Brewery

    7" Digital Picture Frame that plays videos, too

    Fondue set

    Magic Trackpad

    iPod nano

    Cuisinart griddle

    WWII in High Def Blu-Ray

    $150 AE gift card

    $50 Wegman's gift card

    $50 BP gift card

    $25 TJ Maxx gift card

    Two $10 iTunes gift cards

    And some beer!

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  • Cool Hair Styles | Cute Medium

  • jdminpdx
    Mar 6, 06:46 PM
    Greetings all. I saw this YouTube video the other day at my friends house and I cant seem to find it again. Nevermind the actual video, it was what I saw that I thought was pretty neat. The iPad was clearly jailbroken and had what looked like a realtime weather wallpaper. It was pretty cool and I wanted to check it out. Do you know what this was?

    cool hairstyles for medium length hair. Guys hair styles
  • Guys hair styles

  • osxman1970
    May 1, 01:59 AM

    We have a volume licence for Office 2008. We have a mixture of network logins and local logins on our 10.6.7 macs. Is there a way to get rid of the office setup assistant? Teachers are complaining that when students open word this always comes up and confuses students and wastes time.


    cool hairstyles for medium length hair. For Medium Length Hair
  • For Medium Length Hair

  • 0815
    Apr 7, 10:57 AM
    This had better fix the battery drain. Had enough of it now.

    Turn off ping - it's on by default. You can turn it off in the restrictions. I never used it but it was turned on by default. Did wonders to my battery life.


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  • Medium length bob haircuts

  • syklee26
    Sep 26, 09:44 PM
    what da heck happened to .Mac exclusive widgets?

    these are things I want for .Mac (and I have been a user for 3 years).

    1. increase of storage to 2gb.

    2. price drop to somewhere close to $50.

    3. integration of Leopard Mail features (such as Notes and stuff)

    4. faster iDisk speed.

    5. integration of iCal on .mac

    maybe not all of them but at least some.

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  • PatrickCocoa
    Mar 23, 04:38 PM
    Will it compile under xcode? :D

    Actually, I misspelled the second craigFederigh variable (I miss autocomplete) so I'd get a build error.

    Also, even if you had a 3-D printer to make the code come alive, I'm afraid what

    [bertrandSerlet release];

    would do. Puff of smoke? Soylent Green?


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  • Short Hairstyles Mid Length

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 20, 05:08 PM
    You guys are hysterical.

    Yup, and even counting all those devices, Apple is absolutely flattening Android.

    Once again, for those keeping score at home:
    Apple has the most popular OS
    Apple has the most popular handset
    Apple has the most profit
    Apple has the most apps
    Apple has the most developer revenue

    Yeah, Android is really sticking it to iOS!

    350k phones sold a day omg!

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  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 2, 09:18 PM
    Could we see a picture of your engraving please?

    I've tried snapping pictures of my engraving, but my camera won't pick up anything but a blur... But for what it's worth, it seems the Capital letters / numbers are exactly 1/16th of an inch in height.


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  • Curly Hairstyles Great

  • Mudbug
    Aug 19, 12:07 AM

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  • medium length hair. cool

  • tctony
    Sep 21, 10:25 PM
    Any other fans here? Their older stuff is amazing. Anyway, I'm wondering if there are any fans, so they can recommend other music they listen to?


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  • deadkennedy
    Apr 6, 11:55 AM
    Meh, my mom has 13PB of RAM on her sunglasses.

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  • windowsblowsass
    Aug 19, 06:28 PM
    my first try it suckstoo much to come ne where near to winning but so what only 90 some to go anyways


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  • Medium Length Curly Hair Cut

  • vartanarsen
    Apr 8, 08:36 AM
    I want Duck Hunt...with an iGun

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  • pulled back. Here are some

  • jmann
    May 31, 04:08 AM
    Why does this forum still exist?

    iphone 3G Launch Meetups...not happenning anymore

    Then why did you bother to post a thread. They can always change the name to 3rd gen or use it for other things. :)


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  • of medium length hair.

  • maclaptop
    May 1, 08:59 PM
    .mac then mobile me, now castle.
    Change, again. ugh. Let's hope it's free this time!

    Steve will go on and on about how revolutionary it is, then inform us its only $29.00 per month on a one year contract.

    First my address was @mac.com, then @me.com,

    I'm not about to sign up for @screwed.com

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  • updos for medium length hair

  • mac2x
    Oct 1, 01:24 AM
    Into fractals these days. :) Original is a few keystrokes away if you google "fractal wallpaper".



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  • funky long hair styles

  • gatepc
    Dec 31, 11:33 PM
    I usually just use my PS3 guess I should ramp it up then? Running full throttle on MBP i7 for a while! Using laptop on my lap.... the pain it burns! Ah my legs on fire!

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  • cool hairstyles for girls with

  • lozanoj83
    Jan 10, 10:56 PM
    I just got a 2.8 i7 Quad Core iMac, and I wouldn't mind helping out if someone would outline the steps for me. I already installed seti@home, but the application is only using one core, which really bugs me. I wont be able to dedicate my machine 24/7, but on the down time, or when I leave the room I wouldn't mind leaving it on.

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  • Medium Length Hair styles With

  • StrudelTurnover
    May 1, 03:34 AM
    So what's wrong with @suit.com? My humor for the day. Thanks for playing.
    I would pay real cash money for zoot@suit.com

    I just hope they make iDisk as good or better as DropBox. iDisk in its current iteration is just awful.

    It would be nicer if they just licensed DropBox. I mean the AppleCare tool has been a third party product for years, and we just kinda hope that it actually works if and when we need it.
    Why can't they just pass the ball to people that know the terrain better? Infrastructure improves, sales improve, free riders are happy, Amazon S3 doesn't buckle because hell how many Apple customers are there using a measly Gig to sync their Address Books anyway...

    I just don't know what the fiscal advantage is to keeping their clunky system in-house and betting a $4.5M domain name will help Store Geniuses meet their attach rate quotas.

    Sep 27, 12:52 AM
    Then go buy .Mac on eBay. You'll probably pay less than $50.

    Most of the cut-rate hosting companies I've dealt with are actually less reliable than .Mac has been for me over the years (uh, Dreamhost, anyone?).

    Sync services make .Mac worth it for me. That, and I've been using my .Mac email address since the first days of iTools, and the IMAP mail functionality has always worked very well between my main desktop, my laptop, and viewing from the web despite the highly dated current interface which looks like it's finally getting a modern, AJAX-y makeover itself.

    Presumably the other web interfaces into .Mac are getting an equally complete (and equally overdue) makeover, as Peace hinted at. If there's new services being added, all the better.

    Naturally, more storage would be welcomed and ought to be expected, given the competition out there. WebDAV / Finder file transfer speeds really need to be fixed, but I just access my iDisk via an FTP program if I want to transfer any big files back and forth. It's also dead simple to use iDisk to transfer files to my less than tech-savvy friends.

    And you still get a free VersionTracker Plus account for being a .Mac member, which saves you $25 right there. :)

    i don't think getting a free versiontracker is enough. I never understood why versiontracker is such a big deal because most of softwares get automatic updates anyway. unless i am missing something, i never use versiontracker.

    Nov 29, 09:25 PM
    The cries of the entertainment industry fall on pretty deaf ears in my house.

    Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:

    It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.

    Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.

    Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.

    Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.

    Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.

    Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.

    IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.

    The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.

    I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.

    Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.

    The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.

    And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...

    I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.

    Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.

    Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.

    Apr 7, 10:51 AM
    Me too. I've always loved Alfa Romeo. Well Fiat is here...so we never know...maybe one day we will see Alfa Romeo as well.
    Me three. The Brera is a sexy piece of kit.

    Apr 13, 12:18 PM
    My dream car is a 350z in which I would modify, painted all black:


    But then today I paid an innocent visit to Binders over here in Atlanta, GA.... and.. well...


    No one ones the amount of d*** I would suck, or people I would kill, to get behind the wheel of an GT-R35....

    If only... If only...

    Mar 27, 05:01 PM
    The bidders seem suspicious to me. They fit the pattern of scammers that buy something for a high price and end up scamming the seller in one way or another. So maybe the buyer will end up loosing his $450 picture!!! Poor guy. :rolleyes:

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