среда, 1 июня 2011 г.

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  • skikid419
    Jun 13, 05:34 PM
    its definitely a contender

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  • someone28624
    Mar 25, 10:50 AM
    Please' turn-by-turn directions! I do love the TomTom app though.

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  • sw1tcher
    Sep 19, 03:07 AM



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  • mcrain
    Mar 3, 02:46 PM
    I'm not "relating" anything to slavery, it's the only example I can think of where the people you are defending actually made 100% of the income. That's the logical and almost actual extension of your argument. (I can't believe you're calling me out, when you just posted a poll asking if people think we should go back to an interpretation of the Constitution that would allow the blatently racist actions of the years following the aboloshment of slavery through the 60s).

    You want to lower the tax burdens of people who have all the money, when everything is pointing to the wealth in this country being more and more consolidated in the hands of a very small group of people. In addition, everything is pointing to the economy and business being in trouble because of the very policy you are supporting.


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  • Small White Car
    Nov 29, 12:34 PM
    Practically speaking...

    If they limit the number of iPods you can transfer the movies onto, how are they going to differentiate between an additional iPod and one you replaced for a newer one? What I mean is, if they would only allow for a transfer to 5 iPods, and let's say you have 5 and one breaks, or eventually you replace them all for newly released ones, how will they be able to differentiate that from an "additional 6th iPod"?

    They entire scheme is flawed. Practically speaking.


    Uh, maybe they'd do it the same way they enforce the "5 computers" rule? You would authorize your 5 iPods and if one breaks you would tell iTunes to forget about all iPods and then re-link your current 5 iPods to the system.

    I think they SHOULD do this but it should be a high number like 15 or 20 iPods. A user would NEVER run into that limit but it would prevent someone from buying a movie and selling it to hundreds of people for a few bucks each and copying it onto their iPods.

    A number like that would stop the big-time offenders without the average consumer ever noticing.

    (Based on this theory, the current "5-computer" rule is a bit too tight. It really should be 10 computers.)

    EDIT: I also thought of something Apple could steal from the Zune. The "iPod movie limit" COULD be limited to 5 iPods if thre was a "share" feature that worked like the Zune's wireless sharing. That is, it's encrypted to expire in 3 days. So, I could authorize 5 of my own iPods to always have the movie but I could ALSO choose to put it on my friend's iPod but his would only work for 3 days. Then, just like the Zune it would ask him if he wants to buy it.

    This would be the equivilant of "loaning a DVD." It works out as free advertising in the end...SOME of those friends will end up buying the movie.

    The key to making it work is to make this "sharing" feature an OPTIONAL addition to the way I copy my movies around from my own iPods. The experiation feature would only come into play when I copy films PAST my 5-iPod limit, so it would never affect me personally.

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  • WillJS
    Apr 7, 08:19 PM
    Photos rotate every 5 minutes, but this is what was up when I took a screen shot. Looks intimidating on the 27" iMac compared to my 17" MBP.

    Could you please share where you got those icons from? They look great.


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  • markelim
    Dec 9, 05:36 AM
    My very Winter desktop.


    link to orginal pls

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  • eclipse525
    Nov 9, 06:16 PM
    For $100, you'd expect so. This is a thread about free tools and SilverKeeper is one of them.

    Gotcha!......Lost my head for a moment. ;)



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  • Apple 26.2
    Mar 27, 03:19 PM

    And sad.

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  • exterminator
    Aug 4, 06:52 AM
    On my MBP.

    Spectacular, however, can you point me to a higher res picture? thanks :)


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  • vong
    Dec 4, 09:56 AM

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  • iZaid
    Oct 17, 04:18 PM
    will Leopard be onsale on saturday at the mac expo:confused: anyone know?


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  • aarond12
    Nov 19, 03:33 PM
    All I know is that I went into one of the stores looking for an iPad and the manager said they were barraged by calls today about iPads.

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  • AppleInLVX
    Apr 13, 12:04 PM
    iPhone 4's screen is still great compare to other phones.

    I can vouch for this. I've been using Android these last two years, and I was looking to upgrade the phone this summer. At this point, it's either stay where I am or get iPhone5 whenever it drops. I have looked at a LOT of phones, and even those Android devices that DO use qHD screens look like garbage next to a Retina screen.

    People keep telling me, 'oh, there's no difference if you hold it farther from your face--your eyes can't tell'. Well, I don't have super vision or anything, but seriously, I CAN tell. that 330+ ppi makes a hell of a difference, and as of right now, even after months for multiple Android device manufacturers to get their act together, not a one of them has a screen that can rival it. They have bigger, sure, but they do not have better.

    It's actually kinda frustrating, as Android 2.2.3 is finally a solid, excellent little OS that totally bests iOS4x in many ways. But it seems no one can actually create hardware that's worthy of it.

    So, it's come down to whether someone will actually design a better device for Android on par with iPhone, or if Apple will actually tweak iOS 5 enough to fix all the things everyone knows is wrong with it.

    I honestly don't know which is more likely, as they both seem pretty damned UNlikely.


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  • aiqw9182
    Mar 23, 10:03 AM
    A glass eye with a rose color lens... :rolleyes:

    Ocular prosthesis/glass eye/artificial eye

    They all have the same meaning.


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  • AP_piano295
    May 6, 03:56 PM
    No offence, but if you have two simultaneous positions which are in conflict, you need to make a choice. :)

    Again I have one position my position is that voluntarily using violence if another option is available (and they're is almost always another option available) is wrong. Always.

    I just get annoyed that American's are willing to define other nations military engagements as "illegal". But everything we do is legal just bla bla bla etc.

    Claiming that torture is ok because a few terrorist killed 3000 American's must by logical extension mean that it's ok to torture Americans since we have since killed hundreds of thousands of others (most of them quite innocent of any crime) :rolleyes:.

    I'm tired of double standards.


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  • Benjamins
    Apr 28, 09:55 PM
    So this must be considered an Apple Fanboy site then, right?

    You do realize this is called MACrumors.com right?

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  • Sparky9292
    May 1, 08:31 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm running IOS 4.3.2 jailbroken with LockInfo.

    Happy to report that the things pluggin works great! All my today tasks show on the lock screen. Epic.

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  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 5, 02:50 PM
    And last but not least. (sorry if I've posted to many, I just love taking photos) :o

    Here are some modified Honda's they had at the show.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5110/5584475116_6ee1cfa022.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5584475116/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5011/5583882483_824d888fec.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5583882483/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5171/5584469978_bae2534bee.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5584469978/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5260/5584467614_718cb7e5c3.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5584467614/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5051/5583876233_41181cd734.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5583876233/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5142/5583873977_a07b22886c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5583873977/)

    Mar 27, 11:30 PM
    This is an amusing thread

    May 1, 02:37 PM
    As a matter of interest,

    Why is the info in Omni Outliner?

    May 4, 06:04 PM
    On that note, claiming "male to male" sex as higher risk is erroneous. You are referring to anal sex. Not "gay sex."

    Oct 2, 08:02 PM
    I know you can just go converttoguide.php?=(postnumber) and it will convert that post to a guide but is there an easier way than pasting the post number on the end of it?

    You're looking for something easier than something that is, already, dead simple?

    Oh man your guides are going to be awesome.

    Feb 22, 06:13 PM
    i would consider ~6-8 posts a day very active which is what i hit last summer for a while :o.

    I consider people who post that much pale ... :p

    i said i was an active 'member' (hey i read too ya know!) not an active 'poster'. ;)

    i do have a real life ya know ... unlike most of ya'll. :D


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