суббота, 4 июня 2011 г.

condensation water cycle

condensation water cycle. The Water Cycle
  • The Water Cycle

  • Christian247
    Apr 25, 10:02 AM
    What I'm wondering is if the WiP4 will have the first antenna design, or the revised one like VZ....

    condensation water cycle. Teaching the Water Cycle
  • Teaching the Water Cycle

  • Jalexster
    Feb 14, 05:42 AM
    :D I'm still me, maybe a bit better behaved (honest Mr. Anderson! ;)), but still me...

    I hope so...

    condensation water cycle. cyclequot; or quot;water cyclequot; is
  • cyclequot; or quot;water cyclequot; is

  • Star-fire
    Jun 24, 11:14 PM
    I have this old OS X 10.1 upgrade, this is the one given out for free. It's still sealed. Just found it.


    condensation water cycle. During the Earth#39;s water cycle
  • During the Earth#39;s water cycle

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Jan 13, 07:22 PM
    Go test drive a Camry/Malibu/Accord to find out what that feels like. :o

    If it is anything like my Subaru Baja... then I already know LOL

    I have to admit I always thought the Fahrvergn�gen thing was a bit silly, but it did position the VWs as "different", something the new Jetta and Passat are emphatically not. They are intentionally more the same.

    Never understood that ad campaign - till my ex and I bought our VW's. Me the New Beetle and him the Cabrio just months apart. That was a very happy salesman that day! LOL

    In the end it was just how fun the Cabrio was fun to drive that made me jump to the New Beetle. Reliability was the reason I dumped my New Beetle... made in Mexico. While the ex's Cabrio was made in Germany with no major problems. Go figure....


    condensation water cycle. condensation_main.jpg
  • condensation_main.jpg

  • Primejimbo
    Feb 27, 02:02 PM
    the idea of them are people who come from PC to Mac and they can use their existing monitor, mouse and keyboard.

    condensation water cycle. gov/edu/watercycle.html
  • gov/edu/watercycle.html

  • JDB1983
    Dec 28, 12:38 PM
    yeah, sure. Because all of those business/enterprise applications written exclusively for windows run ah-so smoothly on macs...

    Just accept it, folks: There is no business case for using macs in an enterprise environment.

    Compatibility? Fail. (there is a world beyond the microsoft .doc format where enterprise applications live. There's old java, and many java apps require a very specific oracle jvm to run. There's .net. There's sharepoint. There's an ibm mainframe you need to talk to. There are department printers that have no os x drivers. There's a long list of office equipment that only plays well with windows.)

    enterprise-ready? Fail. See compatibility, see support, see backup.

    Central administration? Fail. Try applying group policies to a mac.

    Central backup? Fail. No, time machine is not an enterprise solution.

    Tco? Fail. Expensive hardware, short-lived platform support.

    Enterprise-support from the manufacturer (apple)? Huge fail.

    Roadmaps? Fail. Apple doesn't even know what the word means. You just cannot plan with this company and their products.

    Product longevity? Knock-out fail. (try getting support for os x leopard in two years from now. Try getting support for tiger or panther today. Then compare it to windows xp, an os from the year that will be officially supported until 2014. Then make your strategic choice and tell me with a straight face that you want to bet your money on cupertino toys.)

    it's much easier to integrate linux desktops into an enterprise environment than it is to put mac os x boxes in there. Why? Because some "blue chip" companies like oracle and ibm actually use, sell and support linux and make sure that it can be used in an enterprise environment.

    Trying to push a home user/consumer platform like the mac into a corporate environment is a very bad idea. Especially if the company behind the product recently even announced that they dropped their entire server hardware because nobody wanted them. Why should the head of a large it department trust a company that just dropped their only product that was even remotely targeted at the enterprise market? It's like asking a cto to bet the company's it future on nintendo wiis.

    And just for your info: I've had those discussions at the world health organization of the united nations, and it turned out to be impossible to integrate macs into their it environment. I had the only mac (a 20" core duo) in a world wide network because i was able to talk someone higher up the ladder into approving the purchase order for it, but then i quickly had to give up on os x and instead run windows on it in order to get my job as an it admin done and be able to use the it resources of the other who centers. Os x tiger totally sucked in our network for almost all of the above reasons, but windows vista and xp got the job done perfectly. It wasn't very persuasive to show off a mac that only runs windows. That's what you get for being an apple fanboy, which i admittedly was at that time.

    Where i work now, two other people bought macs, and one of them has ordered windows 7 yesterday and wants me to wipe out os x from his hard disk and replace it with windows. He's an engineer and not productive with os x, rather the opposite: Os x slows him down and doesn't provide any value to him.

    And personally, after more than five years in apple land, i will now also move away from os x. It's a consumer platform that's only there to lock people into the apple hardware and their itunes store. If the web browser and itunes and maybe final cut studio, logic studio or the adobe creative suites are the only pieces of software that you need to be happy, then os x probably is okay for you. For everything else, it quickly becomes a very expensive trap or just a disappointment. When apple brag about how cool it is to run windows in "boot camp" or a virtualization software, then this rather demonstrates the shortcomings of the mac platform instead of its strengths. I can also run windows in virtualbox on linux. But why is this an advantage? Where's the sense in dividing my hardware resources to support two operating systems to get one job done? What's the rationalization for that? There is none. It just shows that the mac still is not a full computing platform without microsoft products. And that is the ultimate case against migrating to mac os x.



    condensation water cycle. Water Cycle Diagram
  • Water Cycle Diagram

  • obeygiant
    Mar 16, 04:13 PM
    Wow...I could give a damn what she was wearing she isn't asking to be raped.

    Of course she didn't. But certainly if one was dressed as a 21 year old prostitute they'd get much more attention from whomever would commit a rape.

    It's interesting how similar hardcore Christian conservatives are to hardcore conservative Muslims.

    How is that? Christians are making their women wear burkhas now?

    condensation water cycle. Unit 2 - Condensation
  • Unit 2 - Condensation

  • OrangeSVTguy
    Feb 8, 06:47 AM
    glad you are back up!

    might as well put that 920 to use!

    good luck with the home buy! i know how that can be! (i just bought one exactly 1 month ago!)

    yeah i can't be spending too much either ;)

    Thanks. Put my offer in on one so hopefully it gets accepted.

    I'm sitting on 48-9k PPD right now. 950 @ 4ghz and 1750mhz on the shaders of the 460. Not too shabby.

    Updated the Nvidia drivers to 266 and now the GTX 460s are both folding at 15K + each. That's an increase of 3-4k PPD each.


    condensation water cycle. the Water Cycle:
  • the Water Cycle:

  • eman
    Apr 19, 10:37 AM
    Have you repaired permissions with disk utility? I've never experienced this problem before, you may have to reload the OS (archive and install).

    condensation water cycle. The Water Cycle
  • The Water Cycle

  • b166er
    Mar 25, 11:02 AM
    I'm getting more and more curious how iOS 5 will turn out. I dunno if these enhancements will make it in time for summer, but I'm imagining centralized voice control for doing everyday tasks, a la Siri.

    "Is it going to rain tonight?"
    "How is traffic? Find another route"
    "Book me a table for 2 at 7 tonight"
    "What movies are showing tonight?"

    These sorts of things should be accessible, and actionable, from the Voice Control interface. Apple did just add 20 new spoken languages to OS X :rolleyes: Perhaps it will be accessible as an API to third party developers. This would really change the way I use my phone, especially while on the road.

    This would be cool if you didn't have to hold in the home button. What I mean is, if I'm already holding the phone, then holding in the home button, then speaking the command- I could have just launched the weather app in that amount of time. I want to be able to have the phone sitting on my desk while I'm getting ready for work and shout commands at it from across the room. A little too star-trek, I know, but that's the only time I think I'd ever use a voice command. And obviously, while driving.


    condensation water cycle. heat makes the cycle work.
  • heat makes the cycle work.

  • Apple OC
    Mar 27, 09:20 PM
    someone's going to report screen shots of his eBay scams, his confession posts here on MR etc.

    then we will be hearing about Stratocaster Dan on America's Dumbest criminals

    condensation water cycle. The water cycle.
  • The water cycle.

  • ranviper
    Feb 1, 11:34 AM
    Sorry, the icons are not part of any set,, PS, Mail, Journal = I Made as 1 off's, the Safari & trash icons are original after using silver pro nik filter, Toast 9 & Aperture are standard, Itunes and google chrome I cant remember where i found and the hard drives were from MacThemes, they are Mac Pro Carriers, appropriate as i'm using a MP, only Icon ive a link for is Finder before I put it through Photoshop.

    Original Finder Icon (http://imageups.com/files/117/Untitled667.png)

    K cool, thanks!


    condensation water cycle. Heating of the ocean water by
  • Heating of the ocean water by

  • xi mezmerize ix
    Oct 9, 07:28 AM
    I have ten that rotate every minute:

    condensation water cycle. The Water Cycle; Condensation
  • The Water Cycle; Condensation

  • GGJstudios
    Jul 7, 09:38 PM
    Post your external storage. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=884865)


    condensation water cycle. The water molecules condense
  • The water molecules condense

  • SeaFox
    Dec 1, 02:37 PM
    My cable bill makes me want to puke.. I'd hold my entertainment spending up against any on this forum..

    I'm refusing to buy the latest CRAP-laden disks, possible-broadcast flag-filled broadcasts, and downloads they're trying to shove down our throats in the future... I'm saying if they want to keep my future business at anywhere near my current rates, they better make the future DRM/Crap/etc more like what we have now, or they will loose sales..

    How can that NOT be on their RADAR?



    What cable services do you have?

    If you have digital cable, you're buying into their DRM.
    If you have a cable-company supplied DVR, you're buying into their DRM.

    You just haven't seen it really get kicked over yet.

    condensation water cycle. EVAPORATION: Water molecules
  • EVAPORATION: Water molecules

  • MacRumors
    Apr 27, 12:21 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/27/steve-jobs-interviewed-on-location-tracking-issues/)



    condensation water cycle. The Hydrologic Cycle | How A
  • The Hydrologic Cycle | How A

  • Funkatronic
    Dec 14, 10:53 AM
    Finally got my MBP set up the way I wanted to, quite similar to this. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11268404&postcount=338) All credit to OP.

    http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8126/wallpapermu.png (http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/6195/screenshot20101214at647.jpg)
    Click to view.

    condensation water cycle. Water Cycle.jpg
  • Water Cycle.jpg

  • SPUY767
    Oct 2, 07:11 AM
    Well said. Maybe its time freeware communities such as OpenOffice make a HUGE push of functionality, portability, efficiency, and ability to work with Active Directory & Such to challenge MS.

    I've talked to an Opensource Guru, and he says that about 30% of AD updates are designed to foil Samba compatibility.

    condensation water cycle. cycle. E.g. water cycle
  • cycle. E.g. water cycle

  • Dbrown
    Apr 21, 09:53 PM
    Except iOS is not a exclusively a smartphone OS. Again, if you are a developer, the metric that matters is how many devices are using the particular platform.

    iOS for iphone is an exclusive smartphone OS. Or are you telling me that ipod touch and ipad run the same exact OS?

    Why would you ever make a comparison like that? That's like comparing "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". They're the same thing. Doesn't make a difference what device it's on, it's still the same OS. Is is that tough for you to understand?

    Laptops and desktops run the same exact OS. There are no apps that are made specifically for a laptop or desktop. There are iphone apps that wont run on an ipod touch. There are ipad apps that wont run on an ipod touch or an iphone. If they were the same OS then that wouldnt happen.

    Give me ONE compelling reason why you would ever compare just the phones segment.

    Because it's common sense.

    Feb 12, 12:16 PM
    well, i know i posted here yesterday, but i changed it again....
    simple, but i like it :)

    Sep 8, 11:15 AM
    Watch this movie!

    Apr 22, 01:09 AM
    Mines for this month.

    https://img.skitch.com/20110422-p9k4qa8u2xg6rkubfyu3cxwt81.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/mtlam/r51fn/fullscreen)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/mtlam/r51fn/fullscreen) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

    Mar 10, 12:15 PM
    Hey Guys,

    I had post this because im lovin' this skin on my laptop.

    Aug 2, 02:28 AM

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