пятница, 3 июня 2011 г.

fifth element tattoo

fifth element tattoo. The Fifth Element
  • The Fifth Element

  • skaterboy
    May 4, 09:56 AM
    Does anyone have this issue? I cant seem to view macrumors on safari. It works fine on firefox. On safari it works the first time after I clear cache but after that the page views are not as they should be. Not sure how to describe it but its almost like there is no html or structure. This started about a month ago on safari. I know after a safari reset it works but only the first time out. Its a bit of a hassle to go to firefox to use the site. Any help would be appreciated.

    fifth element tattoo. This is a Tattoo…or a vampire bite? 10 creepiest tattoos from around the. elements tattoo. element tattoo
  • This is a Tattoo…or a vampire bite? 10 creepiest tattoos from around the. elements tattoo. element tattoo

  • lostprophet894
    Oct 13, 03:33 PM
    Good thing I had it in my iTunes because it was gone from the store when I went to download it.

    I bought Tweetie 1 when it first came out and have been relatively happy with it... now that I see Tweetie 2 is out, I was about to buy it ,when I noticed Tweetie 1 is no longer available. Doesn't anyone else see a problem with this? What happens if something happens to the Twitter API, forcing all developers of all platforms to rewrite some code. Wouldn't that mean the thousands of people who bought Tweetie 1 would be SOL?

    I'm all for paying developers for coming out with newer versions of their software.. and people here are complaining about how the App Store buyers shouldn't be bitching about having to spend $3 here and there when normal Desktop apps can cost $10, $20, $30 etc.. but there's a difference... If I go to buy a Mac App, there's always the old version that I can download if I so choose.

    I paid for Tweetie 1.. this means that if my computer goes, and I lose my downloaded version, i'll never be able to download it again? Or if i'm on the road and my iPhone has a problem and I want to re-download through the App Store, I can't? Sorry, but that's not acceptable to me.

    Look at Pangea Software's Enigmo for example. I bought that and had fun with it. Enigmo 2 is out, but it's not replacing Enigmo... Both versions are available...

    This is ridiculous. Especially when Loren and all his loyal followers are justifying the price because Tweetie 2 is a new app, not an upgrade. If that's the case then why is the app it's NOT replacing gone from the App Store?

    This dude is scheisty. I wish I hadn't paid for either of his apps.

    fifth element tattoo. Reminded me of the 5th Element
  • Reminded me of the 5th Element

  • ppdix
    Mar 23, 09:54 AM
    Looks like the admission photo for a gay club... :p

    fifth element tattoo. but if you see enough tattoos, you begin to get. Later, Bruno described an elaborate, five-element Die Hard tattoo that he
  • but if you see enough tattoos, you begin to get. Later, Bruno described an elaborate, five-element Die Hard tattoo that he

  • Tymmz
    Nov 20, 03:41 PM
    Um, I do. How else are you supposed to IM people using AIM, GAIM, etc.?

    Of course. I know that some people use iChat, but how many? .X %?

    I'm fine with SkypeOut. One number for the rest of the world. But like I said. It would be nice, if Apple keeps their Phone open to other IMs (mass market).


    fifth element tattoo. Element Tattoo Supply – Girls
  • Element Tattoo Supply – Girls

  • SchneiderMan
    Dec 5, 09:40 PM

    mmmmm oliviaaaaa in full 1080p


    fifth element tattoo. Labels: wonder tattoo design
  • Labels: wonder tattoo design

  • Aboo
    Dec 25, 07:16 PM
    A hoodie,

    $50 best buy gift card (Any ideas on what to buy..i have pretty much everything I need/want..)

    $50 American Express gift card.

    From friends:

    One of those huge Gummy Bears (It's the size of my hand..)
    A T-Shirt.

    I'll buy the BB gift card off of you if you want. PM me :p


    fifth element tattoo. element tattoo
  • element tattoo

  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 14, 07:57 PM
    Cool what did you use to make it?

    fifth element tattoo. element tattoo quot;Tatoos of the Magiquot; by E. E. Nixon
  • element tattoo quot;Tatoos of the Magiquot; by E. E. Nixon

  • stridemat
    May 2, 05:17 PM
    I went to a Red Cross blood donation event that we had in my last workplace, but after they asked all of my medical history they weren't sure if it would be a good idea to take my blood. They took my contact information and said they would contact me later if I'm eligible for donating, but I never head from them since. Guess I'm no good.

    If you have time, look into making another appointment. Your contact details may have just been misplaced.


    fifth element tattoo. movie: 5th element, bambi,
  • movie: 5th element, bambi,

  • steve_hill4
    Nov 20, 01:53 PM
    artist rendition?

    okay i'll stop

    Yuck, windows key?

    fifth element tattoo. BASICS ON ONE OF ELEMENT TATTOO SUPPLIES POWER UNIT. Pro Element Tattoo Machine, built with resistible coils, 47UF capacitor
  • BASICS ON ONE OF ELEMENT TATTOO SUPPLIES POWER UNIT. Pro Element Tattoo Machine, built with resistible coils, 47UF capacitor

  • mif
    Dec 3, 07:14 AM
    SchneiderMan said: That is the weirdest wallpaper I have ever seen. No offense, well kinda..

    How true :D (it is my feminine HAL-9000)

    This is the original (lower) and the present (upper):

    (Octree raytracing rendering time with soft shadows and four area lights 1 min 50 sec. 60000 polygons 2560 X 1440).


    fifth element tattoo. drum kit tattoos. Done by
  • drum kit tattoos. Done by

  • Peel
    Jul 27, 01:44 AM
    I guess I'm not as much of a purist as some here. I make DVDs off EyeTV digital HD broadcast recordings with Toast 7 and they look and sound very close to the original HD broadcasts on my 24" Dell 1920 x 1200 display. I cannot see much nor hear any difference.

    Call me old fashioned but I just don't see why I would want Blu-ray or HD-DVD until they are cost competitive with good old fashioned single layer 4.38 GB DVDs. :rolleyes:

    Well maybe on the 24" screen, but go to play it on a 42" or larger plasma monitor, and the difference will become apparent. On the 24" screen you've got a pitch of about 92 ppi, the plasma screens run from 53 ppi for the 42" down to 37 ppi on a 60" screen (remember the resolution doesn't change, just the screen size). On these less dense screens, the full resolution of the HD image, along with the greater color depth that HD provides over NTSC is significant.

    fifth element tattoo. 地蔵. じぞう
  • 地蔵. じぞう

  • aswitcher
    Nov 4, 04:18 AM
    me also.... great app

    i hate that app... thanks for putting it in though... :)

    its the one with all the silly driver things isnt it..ok maybe its just im to stooopid to use it..;)

    No its pretty easy to install...


    fifth element tattoo. Rihanna Neck Tattoo/ Bandage
  • Rihanna Neck Tattoo/ Bandage

  • Porchland
    Sep 27, 08:44 AM
    Its going to take alot more than a Mail update to satisfy me... but its a start.

    Yeah, with this previewing four months ahead of Macworld, I'd say we're headed for a major upgrade of .Mac with even tighter integration to Mail, iCal and iLife.

    I still hope Mail and iCal will be collapsed into one app in Leopard.

    fifth element tattoo. to Element Tattoo Supplies
  • to Element Tattoo Supplies

  • k1121j
    May 1, 09:21 AM
    Kinda funny they should pick Castle for a code name LOL



    fifth element tattoo. Machines – Element Tattoo
  • Machines – Element Tattoo

  • cube
    Mar 3, 11:39 AM
    Intel video driver is

    fifth element tattoo. tattoo new element tattoo
  • tattoo new element tattoo

  • Chilly Penguin
    Apr 12, 04:55 AM
    First post!
    My desktop for my fairly new MBP that I purchased last week! :D


    fifth element tattoo. oc tattoo and element tattoo
  • oc tattoo and element tattoo

  • tinman0
    Apr 28, 08:39 AM
    I still use a Verizon dumbphone. I see no real reason to switch to iphone, simply because I have little interest in the device (plus, I can't afford a data plan right now, which is required when you buy a Verizon smartphone)

    Thanks for sharing.

    fifth element tattoo. tattoo
  • tattoo

  • Sydde
    Mar 24, 01:09 PM
    Are you frickin kidding? Sharia law IS stupid extremist ideology. That's the only way to describe it. Maybe you should read some more.
    OK, I read some more. Some parts of Shari'a (mostly the fard) are a bit goofy or non-sensical, but for the most part, I am failing to see "stupid extremism". One must consider the fact that the concept itself is broad and moderated by sectarian differences: to say Shari'a is "this" or is "that" may fail depending on which interpretation is used, even who is interpreting it. Ultimately, the problems with Shari'a rest not with the code itself as much as with the people in charge of interpreting it. In the west, even secular code gets interpreted badly sometimes (or often), allow frothing nutbags to be in charge, expect to be outraged.

    fifth element tattoo. The Fifth Element: Mangalore
  • The Fifth Element: Mangalore

  • MacBytes
    Jun 26, 08:54 AM
    Category: Mac Websites
    Link: java.net premieres online community for Mac Java developers (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20040626095415)
    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Approved by Mudbug

    Nov 19, 05:28 PM
    Well Amazon started selling Beatles CDs for 7.99 each right after iTunes got the Beatles Catalogue. Pretty much below cost but a lost leader for them.

    I don't see why Apple would care. They get paid by the retailer.

    It cheapens their product and pisses of their retailers.

    Isn't there some kinda law against price fixing like this?

    No but as stated before, if a chain is undercutting others then the manufacturer can choose not to sell to that retailer.

    Apr 27, 10:04 AM
    The lesbians.

    What kind of lesbians are we talking about? The stereotypical flannel wearing butch lesbian that can probably kick any guy's ass, or the 18 year old hot blonde lesbians in porn who probably aren't really lesbian but will eat carpet on camera because it pays? Because I'm a fan of the latter.

    Feb 13, 06:05 AM
    PTLE 8.0.4 and up for Snow Leopard (free upgrade from 8 obviously)

    Buy the PTLE 9 crossgrade for $249USD all you need is the 002 serial number & yes the 002 does support PT9/Snow Leopard.

    Mar 31, 10:13 AM
    That is a nice step in the right direction. I would like to see more practical
    productivity apps on the iOS platform, but even for on the go conceptual work, this is still pretty much useless for my studio. Needs precision and the touch interface is not the answer. Bring a pen/stylus or similar device to the mix and then we'll talk.

    Apr 17, 10:39 AM
    Where is the snow leopard disc from. Retail version?

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